Irina Razumovskaya

Irina Razumovskaya is a ceramic artist and painter living and working in the UK. She creates visions of the ageing process of objects and architecture. In order to do so she chose the pure material language of ceramics, where every peeling layer of surface gives a context to history and time. As the possible behaviours of ceramic material are very diverse, she lets the nature of the material itself create its own narrative and identity.

If you had access to all the powers, how would you improve the world?
There are too many things that are very global that I would like to change, but I don’t like to think in this impossible hypothetical mode. The two things I would like to change, and I am actually doing something about it, is to make Putin stop being a president and to reduce domestic violence around the world and in Russia in particular.

What are the biggest sustainability challenges in your work and how are you addressing them?
Recycling of materials, the firings and the use of electricity. I recycle my clay and glaze materials. I unfortunately can’t do much about the firings, but I try to pack my kilns more compact.

Which conscious lifestyle choices are you making? And are you considering any new ones?
I just live according to my senses. I recycle and don’t eat low quality meat. I am not a huge consumer. I choose my environmental battles, and for me supporting the Russian opposition and potential change of political powers is my environmental battle, as I know that the current regime practices corruption and the lack of control in Russia has lead to tremendous levels of deforestation, melting of the permafrost therefore release of methane gasses, and other ecological crimes.

What have you rebelled against in the past, and what are you rebelling against now?
I used to rebel against political powers and boring ceramic traditions in Russia and now I am trying to rebel against my rebellious and nomadic self.

Do you think tableware can still be improved? If yes, in what way?
I think it has to be improved, people should obtain sensitivity towards the true beauty and poetry of ceramic wares and learn to enjoy it, it does enrich everyday life if you know how to look at it.

What was the inspiration for your Steinbeisser pieces?
I wanted to create a vision as if food is served on a chunk of an old wall.

Describe your work in 3 words!
Silent. Sensuous. Earthy.

What kind of materials do you use and where do you get them from?
Various types of clay: terracotta, crank, porcelain and glazes and pigments, all come from the UK.

What has been your favorite dinner experience?
A Kaiseki dinner in Japan.

What excites you about tomorrow?
That it can bring anything.